Spiritual Services - Jackson-Feild
Changing lives since 1855


While in treatment, patients have the opportunity to participate in a spiritual program voluntarily. JFBHS employs a full time chaplain who will assist patients in obtaining the resources requested for their preferred denomination of spiritual expression or worship. The spiritual program is comprised of various opportunities for innovative ancillary activities while in treatment. Our chaplain, The Rev. Dr. Robin Moore is a certified yoga instructor specifically trained for working with adolescents who have experienced single or multiple traumatic events. Activities in mindfulness, moral development and various forms of creative expression contribute positively to a patient’s well-being and lend to their ability to self-regulate their behaviors.

Our Chapel

council on credit logo virginia department of behavioral health and developmental services better business bureau charity accredited charity Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities guidestar seal of transparency commonwealth of virginia campaign National Association for Children's Behavioral Health virginia department of education