Restoring Wellness and Providing Support
Restoring Wellness and Providing
Support for Children Who Suffer
from Severe Emotional Trauma,
Mental Illness and/or Addiction

Please Note: All mail should be sent to our Campus address at:
546 Walnut Grove Drive, Jarratt VA 23867
The mission of Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services is to provide high quality evidence-based psychiatric, residential, educational and recovery treatment services for children who suffer from severe emotional trauma, mental illness and/or addiction. Our goal is to restore wellness and provide support for successful reintegration into homes, families and communities.
At JFBHS, Hillary participated in psychoeducational groups—Positive Communication, Independent Living Skills and Anger Management, just to name a few. She completed her treatment and was successfully discharged in March 2020 to an independent living program in her home locality. She will receive community-based mental health and substance use treatment services
Our campus provided a safe and stable environment for Hillary to learn skills to assist with emotional regulation, anger management, substance use education, and relapse prevention skills.
Jeff arrived at JFBHS with diagnoses of major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity, oppositional defiant disorder, and cannabis use disorder. He also was carrying a huge chip on his shoulder.
Thanks to a plan of care developed specifically for Jeff and his needs, Jeff began to show a different side of himself.
At JFBHS, Holly received the support she needed including GED preparation, medication management, individual therapy, family therapy, life skills training, and intensive family therapy.
Our campus provided a safe and stable environment for Holly to learn skills to assist with emotional regulation, anger management, substance use education, and relapse prevention skills.
“I was angry that my grandmother died.
I didn’t know how to deal with the pain.
I tried everything to dull my feelings.
Somehow the people at Jackson-Feild were able to help me see that there were better ways to ease my grief and pain.
I am excited to be in an independent living program. I’m looking forward to starting
cosmetology school soon.”
At JFBHS, we provide an evidence-based treatment approach for children facing trauma, mental illness, and addiction, blending clinical therapies with holistic practices in a peaceful, rural setting.
We focus on making each child feel supported and loved, from welcoming them with Welcome Bags to sending them off with a suitcase for their belongings. Our goal is to ensure they thrive academically and socially, offering clubs, prom, and graduation ceremonies so they can experience meaningful milestones.
May 6th, 2025
Click here for more details